Fildena 150 mg- A Strong Sildenafil-Filled Medicine

Fildena 150 mg is an allopathic medicine present in the PDE type 5 inhibitor class action of the medicine. The medicine has Sildenafil citrate salt as the primary pharmaceutical ingredient. The salt helps erectile dysfunction patients get rid of the sexual dissatisfaction feeling. The medicine will help a person do so by suppressing the symptoms of the issue. The symptoms that appear in the body of an ED patient are softer erections and premature ejaculation.

The Sildenafil citrate salt will suppress the symptoms within 20-25 minutes on average. The results of the medicine will last for 5-6 hours on average. It is an FDA-approved medicine sold only to people with a prescription for it. The medicine manufacturer is Fortune Healthcare, an expert in manufacturing erectile dysfunction drugs. The manufacturer packs the medicine in a strip of 10 tablets. Each tablet has 150 mg of the active ingredient and is red.

Best tips to use the FIldena 150 mg

  • You must always consume the medicine as a whole.
  • To swallow the medicine, you can take the help of a glassful of water.
  • You should never break, chew or grind the medicine for easy consumption.
  • You must never consume junk food when you are using medicine. Switch to a completely healthy diet when using the medicine.
  • Always consume the medicine before you consume your food for the best results.
  • You must always take medicine half an hour before you want to have sex.

Uses of Fildena 150 mg

  • You must use the medicine if you have erectile dysfunction issues. The medicine will suppress the symptoms of ED.
  • People who have Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia can also use the medicine. The medicine helps in resolving the swelling happening in the prostate gland.
  • The medicine is also going to help in increasing your libido levels.
  • People with Pulmonary Arterial Hyperplasia issues can also take the help of medicine.

Dose of Fildena 150 mg

According to the FDA, only physicians have the right to decide the dose that you must consume. It can be either one or two completely based on the levels of issues you have in your body. But before they suggest the medicine dose, they will decide whether you are safe to use the medicine.

Missed and overdose

If you ever consume an overdose of the medicine, it might cause major side effects in your body. In this situation, you must contact your physician, as they will help you get rid of the issues.

On the other hand, if you miss the dose of the medicine, you need to check your requirement. If you want sex, you might need to make up for the medicine. If you want to makeup, there should be at least 12 hours left for the next dose. If you want to miss intercourse, you can also skip using the medicine.

Side effects of Fildena 150 mg

  • The medicine can cause headaches and nausea inside your body.
  • You might notice blurriness in front of your eyes and a change in your vision.
  • The medicine might even lead to a runny nose and sore throat.
  • The medicine can also cause ringing inside your ears.
  • Pain in your abdomen and diarrhea might happen in your body because of the medicine.
  • Vomiting and losing your appetite might even happen because of using the medicine.
  • The medicine might even lead to muscle pain, tiredness, and weakness in your body.
  • You might notice high blood pressure and increased heartbeat because of the medicine.
  • In some serious cases, the medicine might even cause elongated erections, which are painful.

Preventive measures

  • Always share your complete medical history with the physician. They need to know this information to check whether they can safely use the medicine.
  • People who are using the medicine should never drive or operate heavy machinery.
  • You should never consume alcohol or marijuana when using the medicine.
  • You must never consume grapefruit juice when using the medicine.
  • The medicine is unsafe for heart patients and those taking nitrate-based or alpha-blockers medicine.
  • You should skip using the medicine if you have a fever or high blood pressure.

Storage Requirement

  • You should always store the medicine at a temperature below 28 degrees Celsius.
  • You must always store the medicine in a dry and dark place.
  • Keep in mind that you must store the medicine away from the reach of your kids.

Which is the best website to buy generic medicines?

If you want to buy generic medicines like Fildena 150 mg, always prefer ZYX medicine. You must always choose this website because of the following reasons-

  • The website only deals in high-quality medicines from FDA-approved manufacturers. You can even cross-check the quality of medicine through manufacturer details.
  • The website offers your medicines at the lowest possible price. They do so by providing you with the best offers and discounts.
  • The website also has 24/7 customer support for their customers. The support team helps the visitors with all possible issues, whether technical or non-technical.
  • The website has an amazing privacy policy. Under this policy, the website ensures that no one from the website ever shares your information. If you find anyone doing so, you can act against them.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long does Fildena 150 mg take to show its action inside your body?

The Fildena 150 mg medicine will only show its action within 20-25 minutes on average. The time completely depends on the level of issues that a person has. People with lower levels of issues take less time to show their actions in their bodies.

  1. Who can use the Fildena 150 mg medicine?

People with erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hyperplasia can use medicine to suppress the symptoms of the issue. For these issues, the medicine is only going to show temporary action. The medicine also helps benign prostatic hyperplasia and lower libido patients resolve their issues completely.

  1. Is Fildena 150 mg completely safe to use for everyone?

Yes, the medicine is safe for you if your physician suggests it. They will check that you don’t have any heart issues in your body. They will also check for medicine interactions and then provide you with the prescription for the medicine.

  1. How long does the Fildena 150 mg last inside your body?

The medicine Fildena 150 mg lasts in your body for an average of 5-6 hours. People with lower-level issues can also enjoy the medicine’s benefits for 8-9 hours. A person can also change the dose if required based on levels of issues.

  1. Is the Sildenafil salt going to increase your size permanently?

No, the medicine never changes your penis size permanently. People just start getting harder erections that they cannot achieve during ED. That is why they feel that there is a permanent increase in size.

  1. What happens if you start using Fildena 150 mg as per your will?

If you start using the medicine as per your will, there is a high chance that a salt overdose might occur. In some serious cases, a person might even faint. That is why we suggest you only consume the medicine as per the physician’s prescription.

  1. When should a person stop using Fildena 150 mg?

A person should stop consuming Fildena 150 mg in the following cases-

  • A person with a heart issue should stop using the medicine.
  • If a person is sexually inactive, they should stop using the medicine.
  • Stop using the medicine if your erectile dysfunction is completely cured.
  1. What permanent changes will Fildena 150 mg make in your body?

When you consume the Fildena 150 mg medicine, it is going to suppress the symptoms of softer erections and premature ejaculation temporarily. But the medicine is going to increase the libido levels and remove your sexual dissatisfaction permanently. This happens in your body because of erectile dysfunction only.

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